Moving Timeline

Planning your move into a new home? Let's map out your moving timeline together! Here's a comprehensive guide to help you stay organized and stress-free:

6-8 Weeks Before Moving:

Research moving companies and gather quotes. -Start decluttering and donating or selling items you won't be taking with you. -Begin collecting packing supplies such as boxes, tape, and bubble wrap.

4-6 Weeks Before Moving:

Notify your current landlord or arrange to end your lease. -Start packing non-essential items and label boxes for easy unpacking. -Notify utility companies of your move and schedule disconnections and connections at your new home.

2-4 Weeks Before Moving:

Confirm moving date and details with your chosen moving company. -Pack essential items and create a moving day essentials kit. -Update your address with banks, insurance companies, and other important contacts.

1 Week Before Moving:

Finish packing and label boxes clearly. -Confirm arrangements with movers and finalize any last-minute details. -Pack a suitcase with clothes, toiletries, and other necessities for the first few days in your new home.

Moving Day:

Supervise movers and ensure everything is loaded safely. -Do a final walkthrough of your old home to check for any items left behind. -Arrive at your new home before the movers to oversee unloading and placement of furniture.

After Moving:

Unpack essentials first and gradually unpack remaining boxes. -Settle into your new neighborhood by exploring local amenities and meeting your neighbors. -Register your new address with the post office and update your driver's license and voter registration.

By following this moving timeline, you'll be well-prepared for a seamless transition into your new home!

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